Demo environment for branch: main
This value will be converted to the expected git tag for a module version.
The {version} placeholder will be used to generated the git tag when translating the module version to a git tag.
For example, using v{version} will translate to a git tag 'v1.1.1' for module version '1.1.1'
If the git tagging format in use does not contain a full semantic version, use placeholders {major}, {minor} and {patch}
to indicate which values are present in the tag - any missing values will be assumed to be '0'.
For example a git tag format of v{major}.{minor} would interpret a tag v1.2 as a module version 1.2.0,
where as a git tag format v{major}.{patch} would generate a version v1.0.2.

Note that if the {version} placeholder is not used, the module version import API must be provided with the git_tag argument and indexing with version argument is disabled.
Set the path within the repository that the module exists.
Defaults to the root of the repository.